Whether you’re prepping for the apocalypse or just want to know if buying the bulk pack of toilet paper is worth it, you’re here because you asked the question: does toilet paper expire?
Toilet paper can last for years or even decades if it’s stored properly. Toilet paper will last the longest when it’s stored somewhere that is cool and dry, or if it’s sealed in a watertight container. However, toilet paper can rot and grow moldy when it’s exposed to the elements.
That’s our short summary, but there’s a lot more detail below, including a deeper explanation of toilet paper expiration, and a few tips for storing toilet paper properly. Let’s dive in!
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Does Toilet Paper Expire?

While toilet paper doesn’t really expire in the same way that some foods do, it can still “go bad” given the right conditions.
Toilet paper is just that, super thin paper. And, just like any paper, it doesn’t do well with water. If your toilet paper becomes damp or wet, it can begin to mold.
Also, because toilet paper is designed to dissolve in water, if it becomes too wet, it could begin to dissolve before you have a chance to use it. This could be an issue for similar paper products also, like toilet seat covers or paper towels.
If you live in a climate where it’s very humid and warm a lot of the time, you may want to consider storing your toilet paper to prevent it from molding quickly.
Toilet paper can also be affected by heat. If it’s left exposed to the sun and dry heat, it can begin to dry out and breakdown. Basically, your toilet paper will turn to dust.
Now, while this may make it seem like toilet paper is pretty fragile, you don’t need to worry too much. The two things I mentioned earlier usually only happen over a longer period of time and with the right conditions.
If you keep your toilet paper in a bathroom cabinet like the majority of people, your toilet paper should last plenty long enough for you to use, even if you decide to buy the bulk package.
If you’re worried about storing it for a longer amount of time, in the next section we’ve got some tips on how to store your toilet paper to make it last.
3 Tips For Storing Your Toilet Paper

1. Keep it High and Dry
If you’re like most people, you probably store your toilet paper under your bathroom sink or near your toilet. This is all fine and good until your sink leaks or you splash water onto your perfectly unused paper.
To try and prevent this from happening, try to store your toilet paper somewhere up higher in your bathroom or not in your bathroom at all. If you have a linen or towel closet close to your bathroom, you could store it in there.
This will not only keep your toilet paper out of the reach of leaky faucets but also help free up some extra space under your bathroom sink for other more water-resistant things.
But, you still might want to keep a roll or two under your sink so they’re in easy reach in case of an empty roll emergency.
2. Use Watertight Containers
If storing your toilet paper somewhere else isn’t an option and you’re worried about water exposure, try using a watertight container.
These things aren’t too expensive and they come in all shapes and sizes.
If you want the container to fit under your sink, make sure you take measurements before you make a purchase. This will save you the hassle of having to go back to the store and try again.
Watertight containers can also be used if you want to save some toilet paper for more long-term purposes. Saving some paper for an emergency, such as bad storms/weather, is a good idea.
Putting toilet paper in one of these containers and storing it could easily make it last for years or possibly even decades depending on the quality of your container.
The prediction of decades is a hypothesis, as you can imagine not many people have studied the life cycle of toilet paper.
3. Original Factory Packaging
A lot of times when you buy a bulk package of toilet paper, the rolls are sealed into smaller packages of 4, 6, or 9 rolls sealed inside the larger package.
These smaller packages are a great way to keep your toilet paper ‘fresh’, for lack of a better word.
You only need to open one of the smaller packages when you run out of your previous rolls. This keeps the rolls you’re not using sealed inside plastic which keeps them nice and dry.
So, if you’re worried about buying the bulk package of toilet paper, just look for one that has smaller plastic bundles within the larger one and your toilet paper should last plenty long enough for you to use it all.
However, if you buy toilet paper commercially, it’s a different story.
Buying toilet paper commercially usually results in the toilet paper rolls being individually wrapped in paper. This poses the same problem as the toilet paper itself because the paper it’s wrapped in could also mold if exposed to water or excess moisture.
If you buy toilet paper commercially and are worried about it being exposed to the elements, follow one of our other tips to figure out what will work for you.
Related Questions
Does toilet paper dissolve?
Toilet paper is designed to dissolve in water so that it doesn’t clog up your plumbing or septic system. Toilet paper should dissolve in about 20 minutes in order to not clog up your pipes.
How do you store toilet paper?
Toilet paper is best stored in a cool dry place. Under a bathroom cabinet usually works fine unless you have a leaky sink. If you have a large amount and you’re trying to make it last, you can put it in a watertight container or up higher on a shelf to ensure it stays dry.
Do Light Bulbs expire?
In general, light bulbs do not expire, and they can have an exceptionally long shelf life. To maintain unused light bulbs, store them properly so that they do not break. Keep the bulbs in their original box and in a safe place.